Can I join?

Can I join the FLASH Study?

There are various criteria to meet if you want to join this study. The most important ones are:
  • You are aged 18 to 80 years.
  • You have been diagnosed with asthma for more than a year prior to study start.
  • You are actively experiencing asthma symptoms such as wheezing and breathlessness and have experienced at least one asthma flare-up where oral steroids were required in the last year.
  • You have been treated daily with an inhaled corticosteroid at a stable dose for at least 3 months before the start of the study.

There are other criteria that you will need to meet to qualify, which the study team will discuss with you.

If you meet the above criteria and are interested in taking part, find your nearest study centre. You can contact the study centre to discuss the study in detail (including the rest of the enrolment criteria) and find out whether you can take part.

What is informed consent?

Prior to any tests, you must agree to and sign an Informed Consent Form (also known as an ICF). This document explains the study in detail, including potential risks and benefits, as well as your rights and responsibilities.

Is the FLASH Study right for me?

Taking part in clinical research requires careful thought. Before you decide whether to participate in this study, make sure that you understand any potential risks involved. The study team will be able to explain the study to you in full and give you some written information about it. There is no guarantee that you will benefit from taking part in this study.

As well as talking to the study team, you might want to talk to your partner, family, or regular doctor to help you decide whether to participate in the FLASH Study.

Also remember, clinical research studies are voluntary. You are free to leave at any time and for any reason, with no penalty to you.

You will be supported by your study doctor throughout the study – please ask questions if you need more information.


Take the pre-screener