Please complete the following questions to see if you may be able to take part in the FLASH Study.

1. Please provide the month and year of your birth*

This field is required



Not Sure

2. Have you been diagnosed with asthma for at least 12 months and have continued symptoms or difficulty with symptom control?*

This field is required

3. Have you been using a controller or maintenance inhaler (such as Symbicort or Advair) for at least 3 months?*

This field is required

4. Have you had an asthma flare-up in the last year where you were hospitalized, needed steroids, or went to the ER because of your asthma?*

This field is required

5. Have you tested positive for COVID-19, which resulted in hospitalization and/or oxygen supplementation therapy in the past 6 months?*

This field is required

6. Have you been diagnosed with any pulmonary disease other than asthma, such as active lung infection, COPD, lung cancer, or cystic fibrosis?*

This field is required

7. Do you currently smoke or vape?*

This field is required

*Indicates a required field.

You may be eligible. Please enter the following information so the study center can contact you:

Pre Screener Form

A form for users to fill in after completing the pre screener.


By selecting the submit button, you are giving consent to share your responses with our study doctors and staff at our study center, so we may contact you via phone or email to discuss the study further.

*Indicates a required field.

Thank you for your interest in our study. We appreciate your time taken to complete this pre-screener. We are very sorry, but unfortunately your answers do not match the criteria required for participation in the FLASH Study.